@KTzone » 成人資源BT » 資源 - 情色遊戲資源 » [轉貼] [1.25]Garden 初回限定版[2.33G]

2008-1-28 18:21 kriabel
Title: Garden
Company Website: [url]http://www.cuffs.co.jp/[/url]
Official Website: [url]http://www.cuffs.co.jp/04_Garden/index.html[/url]
Getchu Link: [url]http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=360305[/url]

Seeding Time: All night tonight, all day tomorrow. (I'll stop seeding when five or more seeds have been established, or if no one decides to download this game in a weeks time.)


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